Personal Guide To Health
Personal Guide To Health
By Pierre Cloutier, MD
Functional Medicine
Finding and Treating the Real Cause of the Problem
You will enjoy reading this book because it will answer many questions you may have about your health and the cause of disease. It will show you how to become healthy and avoid the culprits of aging. You will learn which supplements are essential, such as Vit D, Magnesium, Iodine, Lithium and Zinc. You will also learn which supplements are helpful, such as Carnosine, Selenium, Vitamin B’s (Vitamin B-12, Folate) and Vitamin A, and which hormones can affect your performance and your health when they become low, such as DHEA, Pregnenolone, Thyroid, Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone, and Cortisone. I will show you what poisons to avoid: sugar, mercury, lead, fluoride, and trans fats. You will learn how you can reduce your cancer risk with Vitamin D, DHEA, iodine, lithium, zinc, and Testosterone (for women and men).
—Pierre Cloutier, MD
ISBN#: 978-1-878398-45-1
PRICE: $32.95
Ebook: available on Amazon Kindle
Finding and Treating The Real Cause of The Problem
Dr. Pierre Cloutier has been a practicing physician in Emergency and General Practice for over 45 years. He is an advocate for Functional Medicine and a passionate researcher, always looking for the cause of the illness and the cure. With a love for the outdoors, he enjoys reading, surfing and paddle boarding in his spare time.
You will enjoy reading this book because it will answer many questions you may have about your health and the cause of disease. It will show you how to become healthy and avoid the culprits of aging. You will learn which supplements are essential, such as Vit D, Magnesium, Iodine, Lithium and Zinc. You will also learn which supplements are helpful, such as Carnosine, Selenium, Vitamin B’s (Vitamin B-12, Folate) and Vitamin A, and which hormones can affect your performance and your health when they become low, such as DHEA, Pregnenolone, Thyroid, Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone, and Cortisone. I will show you what poisons to avoid: sugar, mercury, lead, fluoride, and trans fats. You will learn how you can reduce your cancer risk with Vitamin D, DHEA, iodine, lithium, zinc, and Testosterone (for women and men).
—Pierre Cloutier, MD
*****Five Stars by Annette
“I loved this book! I have read too many wellness books to count but this is the best. Dr. Cloutier managed to get very important information across without being overly technical...Read the book, I’m going to read it again..”you will not be disappointed!!”
—Annette, Amazon Review
“I believe that Dr. Pierre, in this book, has capsulized an enormous amount of information and laid it out in clear and easy to understand format. It addresses for both the health care professional and interested persons logical actions to take to regain or maintain health no matter the age.”
— Dr. Brigitte Monrose C.C.F.P.FAARM, Markham, Ontario, Canada
The first book by Dr. Pierre Cloutier, Optimal Physiology for Life, was published some years ago (Blue Note Publications, 2012). If you have read this book, you already know what that book could and still do for you.
This book has the ability to transform your life by understanding how to optimize your level of hormones and vitamins, understanding more about what your body needs to reach an optimal level.
Dr. Cloutier’s first book gave me many tools, guidance, and ideas to really change my health level, which changed my quality of life.
Now is the time for us to receive another amazing gift from Dr. Pierre Cloutier. This new book, Personal Guide To Heath, examines the full reality of your physiology and health.
I have personally studied physiology and hormones myself, and after reading this amazing new book I still found so much information in it that is so useful in taking my health to the next level.
Personally, my passion is to coach, mentor and guide motivated people who desire to change their lives by changing the way they operate on a deeper level.
By understanding who we are at the center of ourselves we can begin living more consciously by creating the reality and life experiences where we can achieve a level of inner happiness that is reflected in our outer life.
My lifestyle and my work require a high level of energy. My brain must be alert for several hours a day and my sleep must be in recovery mode to produce a workup to what I give to my customer base.
Most of my clients have understood how important it is to have a healthy and even optimal body to be able to achieve a level of inner transformation.
I am convinced this new book will help you and many other people, as it has helped me. The contents of this second book will challenge what you believe and take you on a whole new journey through understanding your body and your health, and you may break many limiting beliefs about medicine and health.
It will bring you a deep awareness of what an optimal body is and how you can achieve this level on your own, without doctor’s prescriptions.
Edith Croteau
Prologue iii
Introduction 13
Foreword 16
Chapter 1
Vitamin D
A Steroid Hormone 18
Chapter 2
MAGNESIUM Deficiency
Do Not Skip This One 26
Chapter 3
Iodine Deficiency 33
Chapter 4
Lithium Deficiency 38
Chapter 5
Hairs In Your Blood Vessels: Yes 40
Chapter 6
Cancer 44
Chapter 7
Dairy Products 50
Chapter 8
Insulin and You 52
Chapter 9
Medications, Drugs,
Supplements, Pills and Hormones 56
Chapter 10
Sugar 61
Chapter 11
Cholesterol 66
Chapter 12
Diabetes (Type 2) 71
Chapter 13
High Blood Pressure,
Hypertension 76
Chapter 14
What To Eat 81
Chapter 15
Kids’ Menus 87
Chapter 16
Cooking of Food,
(The Missing Link in Nutrition) 91
Chapter 17
Food Allergy And Lectins 94
Chapter 18
Gout 99
Chapter 19
Restless Leg Syndrome 102
Chapter 20
Actual Medicine 105
Chapter 21
Hormones (Endocrine) 109
Chapter 22
Thyroid Hormone 112
Chapter 23
Melatonin Hormone 117
Chapter 24
Growth Hormone 120
Chapter 25
Cortisone 125
Chapter 26
DHEA, (DeHydroEpiAndrosterone) 132
Chapter 27
Pregnenolone 136
Chapter 28
Aldosterone 139
Chapter 29
Estrogen 141
Chapter 30
Progesterone For Women 147
Chapter 31
Testosterone and Women 153
Chapter 32
Testosterone In Men 157
Chapter 33
Contraception For Women 164
Chapter 34
Hormones and Fear of Cancer 167
Chapter 35
A Star of Medical Research 175
Chapter 36
Carnosine 182
Chapter 37
Vitamin A 186
Chapter 38
Iron (too much) 191
Chapter 39
Omega-3 (fatty acids), Some Facts 196
Chapter 40
Vitamin B-12 Deficiency 203
Chapter 41
Dementia/Cognitive Decline/Alzheimer’s 207
Chapter 42
Breast Cancer 216
Chapter 43
Bioidentical Hormones 224
Chapter 44
Fibromyalgia 232
Chapter 45
Chronic Fatigue (Syndrome) 236
Chapter 46
Addictions 241
Chapter 47
Depression (Minor and Major) 247
Chapter 48
Skin Cancer & Sunscreen 255
Chapter 49
Cardio-Vascular Disease (Arteriosclerosis) 259
Chapter 50
Obesity 266
Chapter 51
Alcoholism 272
Chapter 52
Psoriasis 276
Chapter 53
Head Trauma - Traumatic Brain Injury 279
Chapter 54
Fatty Liver - Nonalcoholic Fatty
Liver Disease 284
Chapter 55
Osteoporosis (Weak Bones) 288
Chapter 56
Migraines 295
Chapter 57
Conclusion 300
Abstract And Pearls 304
References 309
Index 319
How are you? Are you well? Do you remember what it is like to feel good?
Or maybe you have never felt very good throughout your whole life. Feeling good happens for a reason. It is when all the cells of your body have what they need to function properly, and that is the reason we feel well.
Cells need to be fed by the right foods: proteins; fats; glucides (carbohydrates); vitamins; nutrients; and minerals. The cells need not to be deficient in essential nutrients—the nutrients that were there at the initial shaping of our physiology, when our ancestors climbed out of the sea (the initial soup of the periodic table that we were originally made of). Those nutrients are: Iodine, lithium, selenium, zinc, boron, chromium, manganese, etc. The cells need to receive the right hormones in optimal quantities on their receptors to tell them what work to do. Yes, our cells need to be told what to do by our hormones.
Cells need not to be disturbed by poisons (pesticides, heavy metals, etc.). Chronic inflammation also disturbs the cells. Bad food or food allergies can result in chronic inflammation. Foods that make insulin high and make trans-fats lead to chronic inflammation.
To be healthy means feeling good in your brain, blood vessels, muscles, joints, skin, and the cells of your body. And, if you feel bad, we will look for the real causes!
Let me present myself, I am Dr. Pierre Cloutier, MD, a medical doctor trained in regular medical school, with over 40 years of experience in emergency and general practice.
Twenty-five years ago I realized that a patient’s sickness was not caused by a lack of medication. So, I had to look for the “real causes” and study the physiology behind them. Through those years, I attended many world-class medical conferences. I met very good doctors, experts in a variety of fields, who taught me a lot. I studied two to three hours a day, reading a book per week and researched health magazines, papers and health newsletters. I compiled a vast amount of compelling information about the latest medical studies and research.
In this book, I will try to share that medical knowledge with you. In my practice I see one patient at a time. It is slow. But with this book, I hope to help many!
My definition of medicine is to understand and reestablish the optimal physiology of the human body. The goal is to find and correct the reasons for the dysfunction that causes a disease.
Alternative medicine means adding foreign molecules (medications or natural products) to the body in order to improve the patient. Both are good, but the best medicine is to find and treat the cause of the illness.
The medicine we are learning here is to find the cause, and correct it.
The goal is to be preventive and remove all or most of the causes of disease. By doing this, no disease will happen, and if disease is already there, by removing the cause, the disease will go away.